
Center of Studies & Research

Directorate General of Planning and Studies,

Ministry of Health,

P.O. Box 393,

Postal Code 113,


(+968) 24697551 or
(+968) 24696702


Health Studies & Research Approval Committee (HSRAC)

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The Ministry of Health has established a central committee to review and approve research from scientific and ethical aspects to ensure that researchers will come out with accurate and proper information relating to the health and service problems faced by the Omani society.

The Committee will contribute to promotion of health research thus ensuring reliance on their outcomes. This Committee will also help in identifying the common shortcomings of weak quality research. On the other hand, it is also a tool for self-learning, as researchers will be briefed on how to conduct scientific research and how to obtain information and apply them in real life scenarios.

The Objective

Improve quality of research and maximize benefit from their outcomes

In general, the Committee aims to achieve the expectations of the Ministry of Health through the Centre of Studies and Research in the Directorate General of Planning and Studies at the Ministry of Health, to improve the quality of research and maximize the benefit from their outcomes. Accurate data from quality research provides researchers with the ability to benefit in addressing the respective health problems. It also helps decision makers to take informed decisions based on the outcomes of these research and studies. The policies and procedures of this Committee thus aim at providing a standard framework for the research projects at the Ministry of Health. At the same time, it endeavours to achieve the objectives of the Centre of Studies and Research that contribute to achieving the Vision and aspirations of the Ministry of Health.