
Center of Studies & Research

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‘Publication Support Program’ from MoHERI

After greetings,


The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MoHERI) has launched the First Call of the ‘Publication Support Program‘.


The Scientific Publication Support Program seems to support and reimburse published papers in indexed journals.  This, in turn, will contribute to developing the scientific research and innovation system in the Sultanate of Oman, and raising its level. It will also contribute effectively in raising research performance indicators, achieving the goals of the Oman Vision 2040 and highlighting the global presence of researchers from the Sultanate of Oman.


More details of the program can be found here: http://bit.ly/mohepsp

Current call is open for paper accepted for publication in year 2023. Please read the conditions for application provided in the above link.


Applications should be made on the RIMS platform of MoHERI. Deadline to receive applications from researchers from Ministry of Health is 16th June 2024.


If researchers from Ministry of Health require a RIMS account, please email centre.s.r2017@gmail.com with the following details 1) Full Name 2) Staff number 3) Work Institution


RIMS Submission Guide