
Center of Studies & Research

Directorate General of Planning and Studies,

Ministry of Health,

P.O. Box 393,

Postal Code 113,


(+968) 24697551 or
(+968) 24696702


Block Funding Programme

Home / MoHERI Research Funding / Block Funding Programme
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (formerly TRC) has announced a new mechanism of funding called Block Funding Program (BFP) which is an institutional- and performance-based funding. This program allocates small-to-medium size research grants to support short-term and mid-term research projects in areas defined by researchers from academic institutions in Oman and serve the national research priority areas as well as MoHERI priority themes. The main goal of this program is to sustain and develop further excellent in research and to create a competitive economy through advanced and evidence –based research.


BFP covers 3 categories of grants:

  • Research Grant (RG)
  • Graduate Research Grant (GRG)
  • Undergraduate Research Grant (URG)


MoHERI is currently accepting research proposals  through the


Research Information Management System (RIMS).


 – Submission of research proposal applications for all 3 grant categories are open throughout the year.
 – Submission of research proposal applications for the 2023 funding cycle is applicable ONLY  for OCHS and HIHS.


– The deadline for receiving RG applications for the 2023 funding cycle is 2 February 2023.
– The deadline for receiving GRG and URG applications for the 2023 funding cycle is 12 February 2023.



–>Submission must be made on the MoH-CSR research proposal system prior to the MoHERI RIMS application.

–>Those submitting proposals from the research regions must indicate their request for funding to their respective research focal points during submission.


*For any enquiries, contact 2235-7277/7280 or email us at centre.s.r2017@gmail.com



Block Funding Guideline

Graduate Research Grant (GRG) Guideline

Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) Guideline

Block Funding Presentation

RIMS Guideline